Юный Чемпион Голландии
Для поощрения участия в выставках молодых собак, с 1 января 2006 года был введен титул — Юный Чемпион Голландии.
Титул присуждается собакам, занявшим три раза 1 место с оценкой «отлично» в классе юниоров на САС, CACIB или Клубном Чемпионате, у двух разных экспертов.
Титул Юный Чемпион Голландии указывается в любых родословных потомков собаки.
Чемпион Голландии
Для получения титула, собака должна получить 4 сертификата САС.
Собака может получить САС на нАциональной выставке, R.CAC на монопородной клубной выставке.
САС, полученный на выставке Amstersam Winner или на Чемпионате Породного Клуба, засчитывается за 2 САС.
Использовать этот САС за два можно только один раз.
В день получения последнего САС, возраст собаки должен быть не меньше 27 месяцев. Если собака набрала необходимое количество САС для Чемпиона Голландии до этого возраста, то ей достаточно получить один R.CAC после 27 месяцев для оформления титула.
Все САС должны быть получены как минимум у двух разных экспертов.
Ветеран Чемпион Голландии
Титул был введен с 1 января 2006 года для поощрения участия в выставках ветеранов.
ПРисуждается собаке, которая триды заняла 1 место с оценкой «отлично» в классе ветеранов на САС, CACIB или Клубном Чемпионате, у двух разных экспертов.
Титул Ветеран Чемпион Голландии указывается в любых родословных потомков собаки.
Dutch Junior Champion (NJK)
To encourage the entry of junior dogs at shows, from 1 January 2006 the title Dutch Junior Champion (´Nederlands Jeugdkampioen´, abbreviated to NJK) has been established. The NJK title can be placed next to the name of the dog for show registration and will be mentioned on the pedigree of any offspring.
The Dutch Junior Champion title can be awarded to dogs who have won three first places with the qualification ´Excellent´ in the Junior class at a Dutch CAC and/or CACIB show or championship club show, under at least two different judges.
At the time of registration of the title of ´Nederlands Jeugdkampioen´ the dog automatically receives one CAC.
Dogs entered in the Junior class will still have the chance to be awarded the CAC, according to the regulations in the ´Kynologisch Reglement´.
The Junior Champion will receive a certificate.
The fee for registration of the title and the CAC, and for production and postage of the certificate can be found under ‘Fees’.
For registration of the title and postage of the certificate the owner should do the following:
— send a covering letter requesting for the title to the Raad van Beheer;
— enclose copies of the three judges reports showing qualification and placing, date of the shows/championship club show,
and the names of the judges;
— enclose a copy of the pedigree;
— state name and address of the owner (which should be according to the Registration Certificate/pedigree)
NB No ´Junior Championship card´ is given to dogs who have won 1 Excellent in Junior class.
Dutch Champion
In order to qualify for the title “Dutch Champion” your dog has to obtain a total of four national CAC points (championship title). This title can be awarded only to those dogs registered in FCI recognised studbooks, of which registration should represent at least one generation.
CAC points can be obtained as follows:
Single point: a CAC obtained at a national show; a reserve CAC obtained at a breed clubs championship show.
Double points: a CAC obtained at the Winner in Amsterdam; a CAC obtained at a breed clubs championshipshow.
A reserve CAC obtained at either a national show or the Winner is valued at a quarter of a point. Only one of the four obligatory points can be accrued as four reserves.
Please note: if your dog has obtained double CAC at the breedclub’s Championship show and the Winner in Amsterdam, only one of these CACs will count as two points. The other will be valued as one.
On the day of obtaining the last reserve or full CAC your dog must be at least 27 months of age. If your dog qualifies for the title before this age, a reserve CAC awarded after the age of 27 months will suffice. All reserve and full CACs must have been awarded by at least two different judges.
As soon as your dog has obtained the four obligatory points, the title will be issued automatically. Upon obtaining the first point the Raad van Beheer will ask you to send a copy of the pedigree.
Dutch Veteran Champion (NVK)
To encourage the entry of veteran dogs at shows, from 1 January 2006 the title Dutch Veteran Champion (´Nederlands Veteranenkampioen´, abbreviated to NVK) has been established. The NVK title can be placed next to the name of the dog for show registration and will be stated on the pedigree of any offspring.
The Dutch Veteran Champion title can be awarded to dogs who have won three first places with the qualification ´Excellent´ in the Veteran class at a Dutch CAC and/or CACIB show or championship club show, under at least two different judges.
Dutch Veteran Champions, with placings after November 5th, 2009, wil receive a CAC together with their NVK title.
The Veteran Champion will be offered a certificate.
The fee for registration of the title and for production and postage of the certificate can be found under ‘Fees’.
For registration of the title and postage of the certificate the owner should do the following:
— send a covering letter requesting the title to the Raad van Beheer;
— enclose copies of the three judges’ reports with qualification and placing, date of the shows/championship club show
and the names of the judges;
— enclose a copy of the pedigree;
— state name and address of the owner as stated on the Registration Certificate/pedigree)
NB There is no ´Veteran Championship card´ given to dogs who have won 1 Excellent in Veteran class.
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